Spring Time Lawn Care Tips And Tricks

April 4, 2023 9:53 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Spring Time Lawn Care Tips And Tricks

Now that the weather is starting to warm up, it’s time to get out there and care for your lawn. This may seem like a daunting task, but with some tips and tricks you can have a beautiful, healthy, weed-free lawn in no time!

1. Mow Often

During this time of year, lawns need to be cut more often than usual. This is because the grass grows faster in spring. It also helps your yard recover from the stress of winter weather more quickly, resulting in healthier grass. To avoid turf wear and soil compaction, mow in a different direction each time. This will help prevent uneven wear and keep your mower blades sharp for a more effective mowing experience. In addition, a few clippings left on the grass after mowing can provide an extra source of fertilizer to your lawn. However, don’t take off more than one third of the grass blade at a time.

2. Water

As the grass begins to grow in the spring, water is crucial to keeping it green and thriving. Early spring is a great time to water your lawn because the snow melts, keeping your soil well-hydrated for the first few weeks of the season. Typically, an inch (2.5 cm) of water per week is enough. It helps to train your lawn’s root system to reach deeper into the soil for moisture, which will help it survive drought in the hot summer months. When you do water your lawn, it’s best to water early in the morning before the sun rises or between 4-6 pm when the temperatures are cool. This allows the water to soak into the soil and be absorbed before it evaporates, which reduces the chances of disease and fungus developing in your lawn.

3. Fertilize

Lawns are a great way to add curb appeal to your home. But they also require attention. You can keep them healthy, weed-free and well-nourished by fertilizing properly each season. Whether you live in the PNW or elsewhere, you can make sure your lawns get the nutrients they need by applying the right fertilizer at the right time. The first thing to do is test your soil’s pH. Then, choose the best type of fertilizer for your lawn. A granular fertilizer is usually the easiest to apply and provides the most results. But you’ll want to ensure the fertilizer you use has the proper amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to give your grass the nutrients it needs.

4. Weed Control

Having a weed-free lawn is important for many reasons. It looks great, keeps your soil healthy and helps you save money on fertilizers in the long run. Spring is a good time to apply weed control. This will help keep weed seeds from germinating and prevent them from growing out of hand. Pre-emergent herbicides are a great way to kill the seed of most weeds before they can grow. You can purchase pre-emergents at your local garden center or contact a professional for assistance. In addition, you can use post-emergent herbicides to kill weeds that do sprout up. These products can be applied to areas where grass seed is being overseeded or sod is being placed.

5. Overseed

Often overlooked, overseeding is a great way to help grass thicken and get your lawn back on track come spring time. But first, you need to make sure your lawn is ready for this process. Mow your lawn extra short so that seeds can get to the soil and avoid getting hung up on blades of existing grass. Also, bag the clippings and rake them to expose open soil that will be the best place for the new seed. Use a seed spreader to evenly distribute the grass seed. A drop or broadcast spreader is recommended for larger areas, while a hand spreader works well on smaller lawns. Water the new grass area more frequently than your existing lawn. This helps the seed to stay moist and give it the nutrients it needs for fast growth.

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